
View the time of the server, user, bot, or zone.


The /time command is used to check the current time of the server, user, bot, or time zone.

  • /time server - Check the current time of the server.

  • /time user <user/bot> - Check the current time of a user or bot..

  • /time zone <zone> - Check the current time of a time zone.

View the Server's Time

Type /time server to see the current time of the server.

View a User's Time

Type /time user <user> to see the current time for a user.

View a Bot's Time

Type /time user <bot> to see the current time for a bot.

View a Zone's Time

Type /time zone <zone> to see the current time in a time zone.

If you are unsure which time zone to use, see the guide on finding time zones.

Last updated